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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Three day vacation
It was a milestone weekend. Saturday I went and saw two of my friends graduate. Then the new rromate and I both had everyone we knew over to the place. Everything is redone and things look good. I am going furniture shopping this weekend to find either a sofa sectional or some recliners. Then Sunday we got ready and went out for the hike like we planned. It was awesome. I put the pictures after this post. It was nice to go out and not have anything just to be out there. The sound of the waterfall was so calming. No phone, no electricity we had nothing. I could not have asked for anything else. The weather did not matter at all.. We ate good and talked alot about things past present and future. I do not think I could have found a better roomate then I did. She is awesome. Her friends are cool as well. We get along great and share alot of the same interest so it is easy to go and hang ot with her and her boyfriend or group of friends.
Now today back into the daily grind of working kind of sucks but I am looking forward to my next vacation next thurs through sun. I will be out..
I have a flight that will be going across the country... Hotel rental car... oh man..
Looking forward to that..
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
In like a gust of wind...
Roomate is in and settled. Even setup a house warming party for all her friends. Since this weekend is Memorial day weekend there is hopefully going to be a roadtrip.
Saturday night housewarming party for all her folks..
Then I am thinking of leaving to go out in the woods to relax and unwind.
I keep saying I am going to do it but I never really get around to doing it.
Well I have a day off this week. Hooray for Memorial Day..
Man I was just looking at the calender and it is coming up on a year now that I have been in Atlanta..
A whole year has gone by..
A whole lot of things have happened..
Big milestones in my life..
I got my first new car.. Well new enough for me..
I got my first great paying job..
I struck out on a limb and quit a job..
I got my shit together..
Looking back I have crammed alot of shit into a year. If this much has happened in the past year I guess I am a little reluctant to see what will be coming for this year. Well I should be ready for it whatever comes my way.
I got my packet in the mail yesterday about finishing school. Now I am requesting all my transcripts and what not from CU. Seeing what is going to transfer out and what is not. Hopefully I will be able to finish and get this out of my way.
I have been shortening my days here at work. I find myself leaving and coming here more and more sporatically....
Ohh well things are changing all around..
Who knows what is going to happen...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
What a weird day..
Seems like things will be ok between us.. She is cool and I do not forsee us not getting along. So we are all good.
Time is flying by and two weeks away is vacation. YAY..
I cannot wait.
I was sick as hell yesterday..
I did not feel god at all and I had a migraine the whole damn day.
Things are about to be so different all around my life. It just seems so weird. Looking at my life just 1 year ago reflecting I would have never thought I am at where I am at right now in my life.
I never would have thought I would be here in ATL with a different job, a new truck, living with my dog.
Gone through all the things that I have gone through with myself and my internal shit. Things happen and sometimes it is just soo weird.
Ohh well..
I am not complaining about anything.
Without certain people and things that happened I would not be where I am at so I am not complaining at all.. I am better off going through every thing I have gone through then I would have been through before.
Anyways... Running back to work..
Monday, May 23, 2005
What a morning..
I feel like crap..
But what is new..
I dread these days that i thought I would be happy at doing...
I guess what makes it worse is being at home alone.
I think that is what makes me hate these days.
I came into work over the weekend on Friday night and worked until 2 am and then I came in last night to work as well. It kind of sucks. I have plenty of work to cover myself up in though.
I cannot wait for vacation. I have something to look forward to.
So I read the poat that she put about mine.
I thought that she never really reads my blog. not like there is anything in there but about her.
My frustrations my anger..
She was not to happy about it to say the least.. I am never to talk, email or call her again.
Well enough said about that.
Like she said I am an obsessive person.
I cannot help what I feel about you.
I cannot just stop loving the person I care so much about.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Life must go on...
I mean it is cool to blow plans off with me if you just let me know..
But when it is the last minute and I have not heard from someone all week.. I mean come on....
Oh well..
I mean I guess my time and my effort put in something is not appreciated..
I am moving on..
There is better.. I gave her the benefit of doubt for the longest time..
But she has time to find things for other people that are important to her..
Not me..
I am never put into the busy hectic life of her..
So why should I put her in mine?
Ohh well not my loss anymore..
It is soo frustrating to think and hope that I would get to see her all week long to just up and change things..
I will stop calling..
I will stop thinking about her..
I will get over it..
It is so hard to love someone so much and not be able to be recipricated..
I will grow old trying to find someone out there for me..
But growing old doing it I will have fun..
I will not wait for her to come around and figure out what it is in life she seeks..
It is not me..
She is not ready for wha tI have to offer..
Much luck and best wishes but I am not making time for this person anymore.
It is unfair to me and everyone else in my life..
I will forge out into the bold and unknown..
I am not scared nor should I be..
I have been in the situation before and I will not be held down by it..
I understand where she is coming from..
But let her learn what she has lost..
Aparently her life is more important to her than what I have to offer..
I jsut am now figuring it all out..
ohh well.
I am a dick and have a soft spot for people..
I care to much about the stupid shit that I should just forget about..
I am not overreacting..
This is how it is..
I am right and I will not be told otherwise..
Have fun and FUCK you..
Cause when you need something I am not just going to jump on it and forget everyone else.. I am being selfish by doing that.. By getting my fix and getting a little peice of ass.. Soo ohh well.
I can get ass elsewhere..
I had fun at the strip club last night and it made me remember that there is plenty of pu*** out there to be had.. I just have to step up and get it..
I am going out SAT night and I plan do have a one night stand with someone..
Why not be bold and let myself go..
Why not be dangerous?
It is not like it matters..
She must think I am waiting for her to come back...
I wonder if she is.. wanting me to wait to come back..
Ohh well..
She has her own issues..
I hope that things will work out for her in the best way..
I have not felt like I have been anyone in her life..
I am not impact to where she is now..
The most important person she has met lately is Mike and he is her god..
One day she will realize what she has lost in me and I hope she feels like shit..
I am over it and done with it..
I will be something to someone..
I will find someone that will appreciate and cheerish the things I do for them and they will return the favors..
I will press on..
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 04/04/05 05:46 PM
To: blog me baby <cobergas.gasm@blogger.com>
Subject: FW:
-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 04/04/05 05:29 PM
To: cobergas@gmail.com
Subject: FW:
-----Original Message-----
From: (SMS) <6155842103>
Date: 04/04/05 05:29 PM
To: Amy <+16784629158>
i hope everything in your life goes the way you want it. I have always loved you even when there have been mistakes and i am sorry you had to hide things from me. Please never forget who you are or what you say you stand for. My heart goes out to you and i cannot help that i love you so much
These words brought to you by Ogo. Find out more at www.ogo.com
-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 04/04/05 05:46 PM
To: blog me baby <cobergas.gasm@blogger.com>
Subject: FW:
-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 04/04/05 05:29 PM
To: cobergas@gmail.com
Subject: FW:
-----Original Message-----
From: (SMS) <6155842103>
Date: 04/04/05 05:29 PM
To: Amy <+16784629158>
i hope everything in your life goes the way you want it. I have always loved you even when there have been mistakes and i am sorry you had to hide things from me. Please never forget who you are or what you say you stand for. My heart goes out to you and i cannot help that i love you so much
These words brought to you by Ogo. Find out more at www.ogo.com
-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 03/09/05 08:56 PM
To: blog me baby <cobergas.gasm@blogger.com>
well where to begin.. I am sitting in a very nice little town called tifton ga. trveling for work. i like the traveling i do not have thesame schedule every day. it is always changing and fun.. i need to write some more
These words brought to you by Ogo. Find out more at www.ogo.com
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Man way to much.
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
We each have our own place...
Either they are the girl that always gets drunk at the party because of low self worth.. The person who has no control over their own life, yet they think that they are in the drivers seat going exactly where they want to go.. The person who always carcks the jokes.. We each have our own little niche in life..
I dunno I could place myself in many places..
The one who gives his heart out openly..
The person that cares about people and waits for that day for someone to care about him.. Slightly hopeless romantic.. I wanted to marry or become close to being in a marriage within a few years.. actually I was hoping to have a good prospect by the age of 26.. but all the prospects have either found better out there.. Not figured out what they want.. Or where just to selfish and did not show me that they cared.. I give to much and do not take enough.. I ask too much and in return expect to little.. I have not balanced my own life out yet to get what I want..
The type of person I am I do not "hang" with my age group.. I never have.. It has always been younger or older but never generally with people of my age.. I dunno why.. I just feel like we have nothing in common. We do not click.. I guess..
With this "Day job" that I now have it frees me up to go places on the weeknights and weekends without being all fucked up from a sleeping schedule...
I am really starting to RACK in the $$$ they are paying me good for my 55 hours a week.. I cannot complain one bit...
But like as always there is something lacking in all of it..
Someone more than something..
I soo wish I could share all this with...
That is ALL I want out of life..
To hop in my RV and travel the country.. with my dog and old lady..
Ohh well..
I guess I have to learn a little bit more about patience...
Other things in life as well.. I want to have a marriage right now.. I want to have kids running around at me feet.. I want my wife to come home to me and love me unconditionally.. I want soo many things.. I will get all those things as well.. I will not settle for anything.. I will not allow myself not to be happy about something.. I will not do it..
I guess that is that..