I cannot get into my email.. I never thought it would come to this..
I am pissed about gmail being down for half the day.. Ohh well..
I have to go back to work soon..
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
For those who think it is funny to get into my email account one way or another..
Go fuck yourself..
Not like it matters at all.. But heck.. I emailed a post to here earlier today explaing the whole situation.. But heck who knows where it went.. It might show up after I post this we will see..
I am soo busy packing and getting ready and shit it is not even funny... I hope I am ready..
Go fuck yourself..
Not like it matters at all.. But heck.. I emailed a post to here earlier today explaing the whole situation.. But heck who knows where it went.. It might show up after I post this we will see..
I am soo busy packing and getting ready and shit it is not even funny... I hope I am ready..
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
You know what else?....???....
I hate it when you put in a maintenece request in this place and 2 months later they think it is time to come and try to fix things.. Those asshholes came by today at 9AMI laid down at eight to get 2 hours of sleep or so..Little do they know I do not know what they fix I am getting the helll out of this place one way or another..
I do not know why..
I have not been able to sleep tonight..Maybe it is because of Monday and tuesday when I was sick that all I did was sleep and now my body will not let me go to sleep..
I keep having thoughts over and over about BB.. I just feel that there is not something right.. I feel like there is a problem..
If you where still in my life I would tell you that I love you...
If you where smoeplace close I would.. I would gladly see you in my life again..
People will always think I am crazy for loving and caring for you..
But you cannot help who you care about in life.. Many people are jealous about what you had from me.. I learned a lot about having you in my life and I wish you where still here a lot of the times.. You would be so proud of me.. Things that Iw ould not have ever thought about doing or tryingto do I am gong to attempt because you always wanted me to..
I have laid on my couch now for a long time trynig to fall asleep but thoughts about you keep crossing my mind.. It has been months now since we have even saw each other or even interacted.. But it seems like yesterday when we where sitting at the table in our apartment in Nashville.. Living our lives.. Sitting at the table and making plans for your future.. Going over the school Pamplet that AI sent you in the mail that you soo anxiously awaited.. When it came I saw your eyes brighten up like it was Christmas morning or something..
Then the move down here..
The the fallout of me holding you back.... trying so hard not to let you go.. squeezing so tightly that I chased you away..
I have been finding things that I have not seen since I moved to georgia by packing up.. This move that I am about to do is going to be a weirdpoint in my life..
I am going to move from this place that I choose just for you.. Just beacuse it had a garden tub.. cause you loved your baths and a spare bedroom that I thought you would want to decorate.. or have a roomate.. Moving onto the second floor to keep away from any bugs, because it backed up to the forrest... This place was hand picked for you.. now the move..
This place was picked for me..
I will be leaving a lot of memories in thisplace.. It is weird..
I have already left a lot of memories here in Ga...
I only wish that you knew the depth of my love and what I would have done for you.. Some day I hope you find your love and you feel the same way..
I hope those "butterflies", that you are searching for find you.. I think you have learned a lot from what we had.. I know I did..
I can never be thankful enough for what you did..
Just remember though the love that you see portrayed in things is not the real love that you have in life..
Those emotions that you feel in real life are much more deep and real than anyhitng that can be described in words or pictures.. Some people can sum it up.. But it is never the real thing until you feel it..
Untilyou know with all your being that no matter what you will be there..
This WHOLE journal cannot even sum up a quarter of my thoughts and dreams and wishes I ever had with you.. I could not even begin to FATHOM the amount of time I spend/spent thinking and wondering about you..
I feel that once I leave this place that I picked in hopes you would like it that the healing process will continue.. I still cannot let myself let you go.. As much as I try I have thoughts about you constantly.. I mean look here I am unableto sleep and have to be at work in four hours because I have been stewing on this thought for days now..
Everytime I start packing things up I notice a little bit more about the peices you left me.. I hope that I left you enough pieces to remember me and think about me..
I try everyday to push the thoughts about you out ofmy head.. When I went to Nashville the past twoweekends I even went to the old apartments.. The one where it all started and the one where our lives ended in Nashville..
I hope someday soon that you would somehow read this journal.. I know that you may never care or you may NEVER read it.. But at least I know and feel better that I am lettingit out.. I have always tried to write things out.. so there is some record of my life.. I have a few hand written journals as well.. But nothing compares to this..
I just want you to nkow if sometime you come across this that I wll be there for you BB.. I will hopefully watch you graduate from school..
I will love you for the rest of my life because of what you have done for me.. Regardless of what people say.. You came into my life when I needed something in my life to have..
I think we shared a lot to gether and I am glad that you where there..
I hope that someday I can be there for you again..
I will never ask for anything in return..
To this day I do not hink I ever did really ask for anything.. Excpet one thing..
I always took what was given to me..
I am sure that you have bad strong feelings towardme and toward the relationship we had.. I am sure you look at it as I destroyed everything you had in your life.. for that I am sorry.. But I feel that we pulled ourselves through a lot together.. just know..
I would do it all over again.. I wouldbe there if you called because no one else would come to your aide..
I loved you for you...
Nothing compares to how much emotion I have put in these words..
Nothing willprobaly ever come close..
My few friends that I keep have stuck by me and reassured me in times that I needed it.. I thank them for that..
I have been put in many trials from being a normal person to having a chronic life changing disease. ... I know that because of that my life will be shortened if it has not been already.. I will live my life to the best of my ability and I hope that everyone knows that..
If it can happen it happens to me.. I roll with the punches..
I am still not down for the count yet..
Just beacue I get hurt does not mean that by some way I will not bounce back.. I will bounce back..
I always have..
I know that someday though the bouncing will be over.. and I would be down for the count..
That is why as long as I can I will strive to help anyone and everyone I can.. From the strangeron the street.. to the person that I end up loving the rest of my natural life.. And even if there is a life for me after that.. I would watch over tehm and love them with all I could..
You know sometimes in life we think that things happen for a reason.. Well people never thought that the reason is really there own.. They make themselves the reason and make the things happen.. That is the real reason..
We make things happen.. they do not have a mind of their own.. Whatever the reason I have made my life the way itis I am coming to grips with it.. I am learninf more and more about things as they come..
I have always said that "Life is a learning journey that we teach ourselves how to die..." It is what we do with that knoweldge that really matters.. I talk alot anyone who knows me will tell you that.. I have a BUNCH of useless facts and figures that I have gathered from various places.. I could go on a car trip and tell you about something the whole way.. from one sight to the next..
The importnat thing is that I am not trying to sit on what I have learned.. Peoplesay I make them feel stupid.. I try not to I just try to give them the things that I have learned.. So that way me and my thoughts will live on through life.. through history.. I may never become the astronaut or surgeon likeI wanted to be.. But I will become one of the best father figure I can to my kids.. I will teach them things that I never had the chance to learn about from my father..
That is why I talk and talk and talk like I do about useless thingfgs.. Not to try to ACT smarter than people but try to give up some of the things that are in my head.. I dunno maybe it is becauseI have not had a long post in quite some time now..
But I have had so much of this on my mind.. Just gathering things from what people have been telling me..
oh well.. just more ramblings of what is in my head..
I have notcied one thing though..
My hit counter that I have.. It has been some constant hits.. more thatn the normal 2 people that read this blog..
J and P....
Ohh J is new..
Never meet her.. Just someone that wanted to get to know me more..
She caught this blog off of a site called Myspace. So I guess I am building a subscription tom y blog..
Along with the 20 other million people that have blogs..
Ohh well.. P and J.. Now I just need a B and we will be good to go...
Ohh well. I am getting up and getting ready for work.. I guess packing a few more things will not hurt..
I keep having thoughts over and over about BB.. I just feel that there is not something right.. I feel like there is a problem..
If you where still in my life I would tell you that I love you...
If you where smoeplace close I would.. I would gladly see you in my life again..
People will always think I am crazy for loving and caring for you..
But you cannot help who you care about in life.. Many people are jealous about what you had from me.. I learned a lot about having you in my life and I wish you where still here a lot of the times.. You would be so proud of me.. Things that Iw ould not have ever thought about doing or tryingto do I am gong to attempt because you always wanted me to..
I have laid on my couch now for a long time trynig to fall asleep but thoughts about you keep crossing my mind.. It has been months now since we have even saw each other or even interacted.. But it seems like yesterday when we where sitting at the table in our apartment in Nashville.. Living our lives.. Sitting at the table and making plans for your future.. Going over the school Pamplet that AI sent you in the mail that you soo anxiously awaited.. When it came I saw your eyes brighten up like it was Christmas morning or something..
Then the move down here..
The the fallout of me holding you back.... trying so hard not to let you go.. squeezing so tightly that I chased you away..
I have been finding things that I have not seen since I moved to georgia by packing up.. This move that I am about to do is going to be a weirdpoint in my life..
I am going to move from this place that I choose just for you.. Just beacuse it had a garden tub.. cause you loved your baths and a spare bedroom that I thought you would want to decorate.. or have a roomate.. Moving onto the second floor to keep away from any bugs, because it backed up to the forrest... This place was hand picked for you.. now the move..
This place was picked for me..
I will be leaving a lot of memories in thisplace.. It is weird..
I have already left a lot of memories here in Ga...
I only wish that you knew the depth of my love and what I would have done for you.. Some day I hope you find your love and you feel the same way..
I hope those "butterflies", that you are searching for find you.. I think you have learned a lot from what we had.. I know I did..
I can never be thankful enough for what you did..
Just remember though the love that you see portrayed in things is not the real love that you have in life..
Those emotions that you feel in real life are much more deep and real than anyhitng that can be described in words or pictures.. Some people can sum it up.. But it is never the real thing until you feel it..
Untilyou know with all your being that no matter what you will be there..
This WHOLE journal cannot even sum up a quarter of my thoughts and dreams and wishes I ever had with you.. I could not even begin to FATHOM the amount of time I spend/spent thinking and wondering about you..
I feel that once I leave this place that I picked in hopes you would like it that the healing process will continue.. I still cannot let myself let you go.. As much as I try I have thoughts about you constantly.. I mean look here I am unableto sleep and have to be at work in four hours because I have been stewing on this thought for days now..
Everytime I start packing things up I notice a little bit more about the peices you left me.. I hope that I left you enough pieces to remember me and think about me..
I try everyday to push the thoughts about you out ofmy head.. When I went to Nashville the past twoweekends I even went to the old apartments.. The one where it all started and the one where our lives ended in Nashville..
I hope someday soon that you would somehow read this journal.. I know that you may never care or you may NEVER read it.. But at least I know and feel better that I am lettingit out.. I have always tried to write things out.. so there is some record of my life.. I have a few hand written journals as well.. But nothing compares to this..
I just want you to nkow if sometime you come across this that I wll be there for you BB.. I will hopefully watch you graduate from school..
I will love you for the rest of my life because of what you have done for me.. Regardless of what people say.. You came into my life when I needed something in my life to have..
I think we shared a lot to gether and I am glad that you where there..
I hope that someday I can be there for you again..
I will never ask for anything in return..
To this day I do not hink I ever did really ask for anything.. Excpet one thing..
I always took what was given to me..
I am sure that you have bad strong feelings towardme and toward the relationship we had.. I am sure you look at it as I destroyed everything you had in your life.. for that I am sorry.. But I feel that we pulled ourselves through a lot together.. just know..
I would do it all over again.. I wouldbe there if you called because no one else would come to your aide..
I loved you for you...
Nothing compares to how much emotion I have put in these words..
Nothing willprobaly ever come close..
My few friends that I keep have stuck by me and reassured me in times that I needed it.. I thank them for that..
I have been put in many trials from being a normal person to having a chronic life changing disease. ... I know that because of that my life will be shortened if it has not been already.. I will live my life to the best of my ability and I hope that everyone knows that..
If it can happen it happens to me.. I roll with the punches..
I am still not down for the count yet..
Just beacue I get hurt does not mean that by some way I will not bounce back.. I will bounce back..
I always have..
I know that someday though the bouncing will be over.. and I would be down for the count..
That is why as long as I can I will strive to help anyone and everyone I can.. From the strangeron the street.. to the person that I end up loving the rest of my natural life.. And even if there is a life for me after that.. I would watch over tehm and love them with all I could..
You know sometimes in life we think that things happen for a reason.. Well people never thought that the reason is really there own.. They make themselves the reason and make the things happen.. That is the real reason..
We make things happen.. they do not have a mind of their own.. Whatever the reason I have made my life the way itis I am coming to grips with it.. I am learninf more and more about things as they come..
I have always said that "Life is a learning journey that we teach ourselves how to die..." It is what we do with that knoweldge that really matters.. I talk alot anyone who knows me will tell you that.. I have a BUNCH of useless facts and figures that I have gathered from various places.. I could go on a car trip and tell you about something the whole way.. from one sight to the next..
The importnat thing is that I am not trying to sit on what I have learned.. Peoplesay I make them feel stupid.. I try not to I just try to give them the things that I have learned.. So that way me and my thoughts will live on through life.. through history.. I may never become the astronaut or surgeon likeI wanted to be.. But I will become one of the best father figure I can to my kids.. I will teach them things that I never had the chance to learn about from my father..
That is why I talk and talk and talk like I do about useless thingfgs.. Not to try to ACT smarter than people but try to give up some of the things that are in my head.. I dunno maybe it is becauseI have not had a long post in quite some time now..
But I have had so much of this on my mind.. Just gathering things from what people have been telling me..
oh well.. just more ramblings of what is in my head..
I have notcied one thing though..
My hit counter that I have.. It has been some constant hits.. more thatn the normal 2 people that read this blog..
J and P....
Ohh J is new..
Never meet her.. Just someone that wanted to get to know me more..
She caught this blog off of a site called Myspace. So I guess I am building a subscription tom y blog..
Along with the 20 other million people that have blogs..
Ohh well.. P and J.. Now I just need a B and we will be good to go...
Ohh well. I am getting up and getting ready for work.. I guess packing a few more things will not hurt..
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. > >Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of >glistening white pearls in a pink foil box. > >"Oh mommy please, Mommy. Can I have them? Please, Mommy, please?"
> >Quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked >back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face. > >"A dollar ninety-five. That's almost $2.00. If you really want them, I'll >think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money >to buy them for yourself. > >Your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar >bill from Grandma." > >As soon as Jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 >pennies. After dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went >to the neighbor and asked Mrs. McJames if she could pick dandelions for >ten cents. On her birthday, Grandma did give her another new dollar bill >and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace. > >Jenny loved her pearls. They made her feel dressed up and grown up. > >She wore them everywhere, Sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. > >The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble >bath. > >Mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green. > >Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, >he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.
>One night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, "Do you love me?" > >"Oh yes, daddy. You know that I love you." > >"Then give me your pearls." > >"Oh, daddy, not my pearls. But you can have Princess, the white horse from >my collection, the one with the pink tail. Remember, daddy? The one you >gave me. She's my very favorite." > >"That's okay, Honey, daddy loves you. Good night." And he brushed her >cheek with a kiss. > >About a week later, after the story time, Jenny's daddy asked again, "Do >you love me?" > >"Daddy, you know I love you." > >"Then give me your pearls." > >"Oh Daddy, not my pearls. But you can have my baby doll. The brand new one >I got for my birthday. She is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket >that matches her sleeper." > >"That's okay. Sleep well. God bless you, little one. Daddy! loves you." > >And as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
> >A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed >with her legs crossed Indian style. > >As he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear >rolled down her cheek. > >"What is it, Jenny? What's the matter?" > >Jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. > >And when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. With a little >quiver, she finally said, "Here, daddy, this is for you."
> >With tears gathering in his own eyes, Jenny's daddy reached out with one >hand to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached >into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine >pearls and gave them to Jenny. > >He had them all the time. He was just waiting for her to give up the >dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure.
So it is, with >our Heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in >our lives so that he can give us beautiful treasures. > >Isn't God good? Are you holding onto things that God wants you to let go >of? Are you holding on to harmful or unnecessary partners, relationships, >habits and activities that you have come so attached to that it seems >impossible to let go? Sometimes it is so hard to see what is in the other >hand but do believe this one thing > >God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place.
This right here is something I found funny... I lost something but look wha tI got in its place..

Wake up..
I am getting ready for work and just signed in because I had a dream..
The dream was about BB.. She and I where in an apartment someplace in our past... There where lots of characters including some of hers that she currently has.. and some of mine... Everything was intertwined.. but it could also be the fact that I would drift in and out of my REM cycle due to my phone constantly going off.. God I love my job... Ohh well.. I will be working long hours now.. back to the grind.. The dog is ripping my leg off wanting to go out.. and the cat is begging for food and attention.. I gots to go to work.. Ohhh Iam posting some digital pics today maybe one or two..
The dream was about BB.. She and I where in an apartment someplace in our past... There where lots of characters including some of hers that she currently has.. and some of mine... Everything was intertwined.. but it could also be the fact that I would drift in and out of my REM cycle due to my phone constantly going off.. God I love my job... Ohh well.. I will be working long hours now.. back to the grind.. The dog is ripping my leg off wanting to go out.. and the cat is begging for food and attention.. I gots to go to work.. Ohhh Iam posting some digital pics today maybe one or two..
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Cops, liars, Bullshit..
OMG... The DULUTH FINEST just left my apartment.. I ahve a story to tell.. all beacause of a stupid cunt... My dog is snoring how nice.. All I can do is sit here and laugh... I have been laughing now for almost 30 mins since the policeman left..
Regressing to a story..
Once upon a time I had a roomate.. She lived here for all of a month.. Causeing untold havok and damage.. WHATEVER..
She took my mailbox key... I wanted it back..
I sent her this email..
"You have mail but I still do not have my mailbox key and I will notrelease your mail until I get my mailbox key.."
seems simple enough...
Not for her.. She will not give me my mailbox key..
3 weeks ago she told me she mailed the key to me...
This email was last night..
She responded QUICK TO THIS..
So She shows up with the cop..
Duluth's Finest..
Cop says you have her mail..
"Yes, Sir.. She has my Mailbox key."
"You know it is a federal offense to withold mail?"
"She has a key to the mailbox..."
"Oh..." he said..
"Well mam your going to have to get a warrna to search his property.."
I told him right then he could come in and search...
Thus he did..
Riffled some papers..
"Mam, the mail is not here he only had this one peice of mail and i was set off to the side.."
I started laughing so hard....
I have nothing of hers I just wanted my mailbox key which she has in her hand right in front of me so that I do not have to pay any fine for this HELL hole of apartments...
I cannot wait to leave...
So thus is that..
She tries to say that the "Post Office" said it was delivered here like she had a tracking number on it.. over two months ago... I said was it snet certified?...... NO... Did someone have to sign for it?..... No Then how stupid cunt juice can you "Trace" it here...
Why have I had to be surrounded throughout my life with people who lie and lie and think that no one knows..????
Why lie?
You are not gaining anything from it..
Ohhh... BTW I took today off.. I am sick.. I have been sick for two days.. Sinus infuction.. I amnot getting a lot done just trying to get ready for another weekend.. P and S is coming down..
So Screw you cun for if you "Get a warrant"... We will begoing to small claims court and I will soak you for all it is worth...
Lie to me again...
Just wait...
I really do not give a FUCK.. I am tired of it all..
Peope wonder why I do not have friends...
because I have issues with liars.. and people lie it is in the human nature..
Some just have it hardwired into their head that there is no other choice but to lie and lie and lie some more..
So to all you liars out there let his be a warning to you..
TAKE YOU FIST AND SHOVE IT UP YOU ASS! Take your lower lip with your other hand pull it over your head and swallow/... I will not put up with you or your likes ever.. I never have and never will..
Any comments?
forward them to me leave them here..
You want a stupid cunts email address let me know.. I have one for you..
In my old days I would have emailed bombed her.. NOT ANYMORE>>
I have the power of posting.. :)
Not like I have an audience.. ut myself.. That is why I am so blunt.. I do not have to edit anything..
Later.. Watch out for stupid cunts trying to spread her filth around..
Ohh yeah did I ever tel you how I would not do it... Even though she would open her legs up for me.. I was still so devasted and compared her to BB.. I would not touch it with a ten foot pole..
Ohh but she tried.. She got inthe shower which I promptly finished washing my hair and got out...
That is a whole story in itself...
I am going back to packing so I can move out by the first..
Regressing to a story..
Once upon a time I had a roomate.. She lived here for all of a month.. Causeing untold havok and damage.. WHATEVER..
She took my mailbox key... I wanted it back..
I sent her this email..
"You have mail but I still do not have my mailbox key and I will notrelease your mail until I get my mailbox key.."
seems simple enough...
Not for her.. She will not give me my mailbox key..
3 weeks ago she told me she mailed the key to me...
This email was last night..
She responded QUICK TO THIS..
So She shows up with the cop..
Duluth's Finest..
Cop says you have her mail..
"Yes, Sir.. She has my Mailbox key."
"You know it is a federal offense to withold mail?"
"She has a key to the mailbox..."
"Oh..." he said..
"Well mam your going to have to get a warrna to search his property.."
I told him right then he could come in and search...
Thus he did..
Riffled some papers..
"Mam, the mail is not here he only had this one peice of mail and i was set off to the side.."
I started laughing so hard....
I have nothing of hers I just wanted my mailbox key which she has in her hand right in front of me so that I do not have to pay any fine for this HELL hole of apartments...
I cannot wait to leave...
So thus is that..
She tries to say that the "Post Office" said it was delivered here like she had a tracking number on it.. over two months ago... I said was it snet certified?...... NO... Did someone have to sign for it?..... No Then how stupid cunt juice can you "Trace" it here...
Why have I had to be surrounded throughout my life with people who lie and lie and think that no one knows..????
Why lie?
You are not gaining anything from it..
Ohhh... BTW I took today off.. I am sick.. I have been sick for two days.. Sinus infuction.. I amnot getting a lot done just trying to get ready for another weekend.. P and S is coming down..
So Screw you cun for if you "Get a warrant"... We will begoing to small claims court and I will soak you for all it is worth...
Lie to me again...
Just wait...
I really do not give a FUCK.. I am tired of it all..
Peope wonder why I do not have friends...
because I have issues with liars.. and people lie it is in the human nature..
Some just have it hardwired into their head that there is no other choice but to lie and lie and lie some more..
So to all you liars out there let his be a warning to you..
TAKE YOU FIST AND SHOVE IT UP YOU ASS! Take your lower lip with your other hand pull it over your head and swallow/... I will not put up with you or your likes ever.. I never have and never will..
Any comments?
forward them to me leave them here..
You want a stupid cunts email address let me know.. I have one for you..
In my old days I would have emailed bombed her.. NOT ANYMORE>>
I have the power of posting.. :)
Not like I have an audience.. ut myself.. That is why I am so blunt.. I do not have to edit anything..
Later.. Watch out for stupid cunts trying to spread her filth around..
Ohh yeah did I ever tel you how I would not do it... Even though she would open her legs up for me.. I was still so devasted and compared her to BB.. I would not touch it with a ten foot pole..
Ohh but she tried.. She got inthe shower which I promptly finished washing my hair and got out...
That is a whole story in itself...
I am going back to packing so I can move out by the first..
Monday, August 22, 2005
I think I am moving closer to the city VERY soon.. I have found a place.. I am excited..
The past two weekends I went to Nashville.. Saturday night I went back and came back Sunday morning for my manager shift at chilis... I took K back and showed her around since I did not want to make the trip by myself.. I thought showing her around up there would be fun ... I have not been able to post as much lately because I am in the process of getting packed up for the move. I should be moving or looking to be out of here y the 1st of the month.. That way I have the whole Labor day weekend to move.
I am so excited. I am getting a BRAND NEW apartment.. The pait is still drying on this place. I am signing a year lease and have a fourth floor apartment. 14 or 15 foot ceilings.. 2 bedroom 2 bath.. Just incase I have alot of visitors cause I am sick of having people using my bathroom.. J/K That was ashot at you P... ;) .. I have been sick today. the new hours I am working is not helping to much..
My diabetes is also kicking my ass. I am in a catch 22.. I have to eat but my stomach does not want me to... So what do you do? I cannot afford to loose weight again and drop.. I have to keep it around 150+... I have worked for 6 months now to get more fat back on my body sinceI lost muscle mass due to not having my shit under control.. Ohh wait I was told at first I did not have diabetes.. Humm fuck them.. Living with an insulin pump on my side.. HA...
Ohh well I am doing a hell of alot better with this thing taking care of me 24/7...
I was worried about intimacy and what someone would think about having this close to my side but taking it off helps alot...
Well I am working split hours now go in about right now.. HA.. then leave work around 2 or 3 in the morning.. then go back in around noon.. and leave around 7 or 8.. Not good hours.. I need to work more than that..
Ohh well.. I gues I should go to work and get something done....
If your reading this have a good day..
The past two weekends I went to Nashville.. Saturday night I went back and came back Sunday morning for my manager shift at chilis... I took K back and showed her around since I did not want to make the trip by myself.. I thought showing her around up there would be fun ... I have not been able to post as much lately because I am in the process of getting packed up for the move. I should be moving or looking to be out of here y the 1st of the month.. That way I have the whole Labor day weekend to move.
I am so excited. I am getting a BRAND NEW apartment.. The pait is still drying on this place. I am signing a year lease and have a fourth floor apartment. 14 or 15 foot ceilings.. 2 bedroom 2 bath.. Just incase I have alot of visitors cause I am sick of having people using my bathroom.. J/K That was ashot at you P... ;) .. I have been sick today. the new hours I am working is not helping to much..
My diabetes is also kicking my ass. I am in a catch 22.. I have to eat but my stomach does not want me to... So what do you do? I cannot afford to loose weight again and drop.. I have to keep it around 150+... I have worked for 6 months now to get more fat back on my body sinceI lost muscle mass due to not having my shit under control.. Ohh wait I was told at first I did not have diabetes.. Humm fuck them.. Living with an insulin pump on my side.. HA...
Ohh well I am doing a hell of alot better with this thing taking care of me 24/7...
I was worried about intimacy and what someone would think about having this close to my side but taking it off helps alot...
Well I am working split hours now go in about right now.. HA.. then leave work around 2 or 3 in the morning.. then go back in around noon.. and leave around 7 or 8.. Not good hours.. I need to work more than that..
Ohh well.. I gues I should go to work and get something done....
If your reading this have a good day..
Monday, August 15, 2005
Your filthy.. and gorgeous...
And so it is...
I went back home to Nashvile this weekend.. Packed the dog up and left.. I got into Nashvegas aroiund 4 pm making it in awesome time..
I was looking through my truck and came across a CD. I can remember making this trip a few times with BB beside me... Either not talking or us talking our heads off..
The first track is fast car...
Anyways I sat in retrospect the whole time I was driving to and from...
When I got there I went to m grandmothers new house and saw it for a few moments and then got ready to go out.. I need to go and buy some things so that I did.. Although I went for some CK low rise briefs.. I got a pair of shoes.. go figure..
Saturday night out on the town in Nashville.. I was dressed to the nine in my french cuffed shirt and hot ass jeans..
I found out that we where going to go to a country western bar and I was not to thrilled about it at all..
Although I must say that I had a blast at the second place that we ended up at..
So after just having a good time and taking in a few drinks.. we decided to go to the STAGE.. Umm not exactly the place that I would have at the top of my list... But once again I was SURPRISED!!!
After having a good night and tieing a few drinks on we ended the night at P's friends house that I will name S..
S is a banker and has been with the current bacnk now for ten years.. She makes good enough money to travel the world on pretty much a whim.. She is crazy but demands alot of attention when she drinks..
This post has been sitting in the DRAFT stage for a while now.. I felt the need to publish it..
I went back home to Nashvile this weekend.. Packed the dog up and left.. I got into Nashvegas aroiund 4 pm making it in awesome time..
I was looking through my truck and came across a CD. I can remember making this trip a few times with BB beside me... Either not talking or us talking our heads off..
The first track is fast car...
Anyways I sat in retrospect the whole time I was driving to and from...
When I got there I went to m grandmothers new house and saw it for a few moments and then got ready to go out.. I need to go and buy some things so that I did.. Although I went for some CK low rise briefs.. I got a pair of shoes.. go figure..
Saturday night out on the town in Nashville.. I was dressed to the nine in my french cuffed shirt and hot ass jeans..
I found out that we where going to go to a country western bar and I was not to thrilled about it at all..
Although I must say that I had a blast at the second place that we ended up at..
So after just having a good time and taking in a few drinks.. we decided to go to the STAGE.. Umm not exactly the place that I would have at the top of my list... But once again I was SURPRISED!!!
After having a good night and tieing a few drinks on we ended the night at P's friends house that I will name S..
S is a banker and has been with the current bacnk now for ten years.. She makes good enough money to travel the world on pretty much a whim.. She is crazy but demands alot of attention when she drinks..
This post has been sitting in the DRAFT stage for a while now.. I felt the need to publish it..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Can you ever wonder to much about something?
There are so many what if's that you have to put hings behind you...
I understand that I am a good person some place inside me....
Sometimes it is just so hard to think that I am a great person... yet why am I so life deficient..
I am a well rounded person and have a lot ot offer someone but it is just finding that somene that is willing to put up with me..
I am alot to handle I am sure..
I try to be a patient and loving person making sure that the person I have fallen in love with knows it on a constant basis.
I always had a rule that whenever I left I would tell someone, anyone my grandmother whoever that I loved them. I made sure that they knew that I cared about them. You never know when it could be your last time to see them and their beautiful being.
Still I have not found the reason to email BB..
I am sure that she has a life that she wants and has an abundant source of caring peeople.
I wonder if she has moved on.
I mean I know that she told me all the time that she did not love me like I did her.. but none the less I had to have left some impression on her. I have to had to shown her at some point that I did love her for who she was and everything that she was. I knew things that she wanted to accomplish and I cared enough to make sure, to the best of my ability, that she would have a chance to do it. I gave her something.... hope... A little self confidence trying to show her that stop listening to every one telling you that you cannot do something and do it. Prove them wrong....
I have proved people wrong all my life..
If I never trust or love anyone again in my life I will still be happy. I have always held up to my word. When I would say I would do something for someone or be someplace in their life I was their. I have my feeling of accomplishment. If I shall never do anything with my life I know that I have done something for someone else in my life. That is all that really matters. I have always said that I am not a selfish person. If I shall ever be accused of being selfish then that person has no idea of who I am or what I stand for.
Now that people have left for college and I am still in someplace that I never thought in a million yearsI would be.. I do not know what to do with myself.
I have drown myself with work. 70-75 hours a week. I come home only to sleep and feed the animals...
I wish that I could let myself let her go.. I do not know why she is constantly in my head... There was only one other person I lamented over and thought about for a long time after they left my life. S..... But after as long as we where "together" and the things we went through as well it is understandable.
BB even constantly told me that she did not want what I wanted and that she just felt like she could not love me like I did.
Oh well.. I just put down what is in my head..
I just hope that she is happy.. I say that all the time. I hope the best for S as well. I hope that the sun graces their smiles everyday like it should. I hope they never want nor need anything and that the people they choose to surround themselve with care as much for them as they do. S seemed so happy with the guy she was with.. I hope if BB is with someone they make her happy.
I think I mad her happy.. I tried to at least make her smile everyday.. I try to make every one smile every day so that it does not show my true inside.. I do hurt alot. I am very hard on myself. I wsh I was a better person all the time..
Things that people really do not know.
I just wish that BB would email me sometime and say...
"You know your a really great guy.. Thanks so much for kicking my ass.. I did truely care for you.. I was just not ready for what ou had to offer me.. " You know.. Something that wold reassure me that it really is no me.. That I do not have to be so hard on myself...
I hate failure..
But Everything was as much my fault as it was hers. Things in a relationship is a shared responsibilty. It will always take two people to make anything like love work.. So when there is failure it falls on both people.
I go through these phases were I write alot and not write alot...
Sometimes I am so exhausted I jus come home and let my thoughts go into the past.. forever falling into the massive thoughts that run through my head...
Well with that.. knowing I have at least ONE reader I am going to bed.. P we will see you this weekend when I come home..
I will be back in Nashville this coming weekend..
Trying to blow off some steam and get some R&R..
There are so many what if's that you have to put hings behind you...
I understand that I am a good person some place inside me....
Sometimes it is just so hard to think that I am a great person... yet why am I so life deficient..
I am a well rounded person and have a lot ot offer someone but it is just finding that somene that is willing to put up with me..
I am alot to handle I am sure..
I try to be a patient and loving person making sure that the person I have fallen in love with knows it on a constant basis.
I always had a rule that whenever I left I would tell someone, anyone my grandmother whoever that I loved them. I made sure that they knew that I cared about them. You never know when it could be your last time to see them and their beautiful being.
Still I have not found the reason to email BB..
I am sure that she has a life that she wants and has an abundant source of caring peeople.
I wonder if she has moved on.
I mean I know that she told me all the time that she did not love me like I did her.. but none the less I had to have left some impression on her. I have to had to shown her at some point that I did love her for who she was and everything that she was. I knew things that she wanted to accomplish and I cared enough to make sure, to the best of my ability, that she would have a chance to do it. I gave her something.... hope... A little self confidence trying to show her that stop listening to every one telling you that you cannot do something and do it. Prove them wrong....
I have proved people wrong all my life..
If I never trust or love anyone again in my life I will still be happy. I have always held up to my word. When I would say I would do something for someone or be someplace in their life I was their. I have my feeling of accomplishment. If I shall never do anything with my life I know that I have done something for someone else in my life. That is all that really matters. I have always said that I am not a selfish person. If I shall ever be accused of being selfish then that person has no idea of who I am or what I stand for.
Now that people have left for college and I am still in someplace that I never thought in a million yearsI would be.. I do not know what to do with myself.
I have drown myself with work. 70-75 hours a week. I come home only to sleep and feed the animals...
I wish that I could let myself let her go.. I do not know why she is constantly in my head... There was only one other person I lamented over and thought about for a long time after they left my life. S..... But after as long as we where "together" and the things we went through as well it is understandable.
BB even constantly told me that she did not want what I wanted and that she just felt like she could not love me like I did.
Oh well.. I just put down what is in my head..
I just hope that she is happy.. I say that all the time. I hope the best for S as well. I hope that the sun graces their smiles everyday like it should. I hope they never want nor need anything and that the people they choose to surround themselve with care as much for them as they do. S seemed so happy with the guy she was with.. I hope if BB is with someone they make her happy.
I think I mad her happy.. I tried to at least make her smile everyday.. I try to make every one smile every day so that it does not show my true inside.. I do hurt alot. I am very hard on myself. I wsh I was a better person all the time..
Things that people really do not know.
I just wish that BB would email me sometime and say...
"You know your a really great guy.. Thanks so much for kicking my ass.. I did truely care for you.. I was just not ready for what ou had to offer me.. " You know.. Something that wold reassure me that it really is no me.. That I do not have to be so hard on myself...
I hate failure..
But Everything was as much my fault as it was hers. Things in a relationship is a shared responsibilty. It will always take two people to make anything like love work.. So when there is failure it falls on both people.
I go through these phases were I write alot and not write alot...
Sometimes I am so exhausted I jus come home and let my thoughts go into the past.. forever falling into the massive thoughts that run through my head...
Well with that.. knowing I have at least ONE reader I am going to bed.. P we will see you this weekend when I come home..
I will be back in Nashville this coming weekend..
Trying to blow off some steam and get some R&R..
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thanks P for this in the email today! It made my day brighter... It is raining here now and I am just so gloomed.. I just got done installing a new wireless network here in the office... There is alot of things going on here today that is not a good thing... Ohh well I am going back to nights soon for a little while.. My new hours will be like 1 AM until 1 Pm or 2 Pm.. something like that...

Tuesday, August 9, 2005
I am so tired..
Tired of working so hard for nothing..
Tired of having nothing in my life...
I work from 6 am until 8 or 9 everyday..
I am going to bed...
there are so many things that I want to say but feel like it does not matter what I say or do anymore...
I guess it does not matter anymore..
I am tired of ourse.. I want someone to share my life with..
I guess everything will be ok...
Tired of working so hard for nothing..
Tired of having nothing in my life...
I work from 6 am until 8 or 9 everyday..
I am going to bed...
there are so many things that I want to say but feel like it does not matter what I say or do anymore...
I guess it does not matter anymore..
I am tired of ourse.. I want someone to share my life with..
I guess everything will be ok...
Monday, August 8, 2005
Bad day...
I have had a BAD DAY.. ha what is new..
Today when I woke up and attached my new stuff something dd not work right..
I did not get insulin at all today..
I kept wondering why I could not come down..
I wish I had the guts to email BB..
I just want to go and hang out sometime..
I just want to see her..
I wonder if we would be able to hang out together?
I realize that her friends played a large part of her life and I tried hard to share that with her..
I just tried to really love her..
I hope that she still knows that..
I wonder if she thinks about me.. I mean I still pass by our old apartment everyday.. Still think about things... I try so hard to get it out o my mind butthis weekend Shiny disco balls came on and I started to say "OH ... I love this song you know I heard it from.........................." but I bit my tounge to finish it off..
I had an awesome timethis weekend.. Worked Sat morning and then wnet out Sat night with P and S.. The debauchery ohh man..
The funniest part of the night was at the end when all the guys trying to take P home.. Her drunk ass being hit on as she iswalking to the exit of the club.. It was soo funny..
I got hit on only once and dancedwith myself the whole night.. These two girls called me over and asked if I was a crack head.. "Umm nope got the wrong guy" I said. I lit there cigarettes and started to walk away. As I was walking away they yelled that I was hot and wanted me to come back over. They looked really bad really tired...
Well I have another early day in the morning.
I have everything almost setup.. computer wise..
I am going to go to bed....
Today when I woke up and attached my new stuff something dd not work right..
I did not get insulin at all today..
I kept wondering why I could not come down..
I wish I had the guts to email BB..
I just want to go and hang out sometime..
I just want to see her..
I wonder if we would be able to hang out together?
I realize that her friends played a large part of her life and I tried hard to share that with her..
I just tried to really love her..
I hope that she still knows that..
I wonder if she thinks about me.. I mean I still pass by our old apartment everyday.. Still think about things... I try so hard to get it out o my mind butthis weekend Shiny disco balls came on and I started to say "OH ... I love this song you know I heard it from.........................." but I bit my tounge to finish it off..
I had an awesome timethis weekend.. Worked Sat morning and then wnet out Sat night with P and S.. The debauchery ohh man..
The funniest part of the night was at the end when all the guys trying to take P home.. Her drunk ass being hit on as she iswalking to the exit of the club.. It was soo funny..
I got hit on only once and dancedwith myself the whole night.. These two girls called me over and asked if I was a crack head.. "Umm nope got the wrong guy" I said. I lit there cigarettes and started to walk away. As I was walking away they yelled that I was hot and wanted me to come back over. They looked really bad really tired...
Well I have another early day in the morning.
I have everything almost setup.. computer wise..
I am going to go to bed....
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Man oh man..
Good times this weekend...
I got my computer from my mother.. Just working on things to get it up and running wirelessly...
Well I would sit up and post because there is soo much on my mind and I have a new computer with a good keyborad but I have to be at work a six in the morning..
I have A LOT on my mind..
Went to J alexanders tonight to eat...
Ohh yumm
I thought about her a lot this weekend..
I will go into more detail soon...
Good times this weekend...
I got my computer from my mother.. Just working on things to get it up and running wirelessly...
Well I would sit up and post because there is soo much on my mind and I have a new computer with a good keyborad but I have to be at work a six in the morning..
I have A LOT on my mind..
Went to J alexanders tonight to eat...
Ohh yumm
I thought about her a lot this weekend..
I will go into more detail soon...
Thursday, August 4, 2005
People from my past..
there is a big weekend in sore for me..
P is coming down first of all..
But a little recap on this week....
I started my week of by getting a generous donation from the manufacture of the pump that I want to get. They are giving me the pump until my assholes of insurance decidedes to pay for it in September. So from now until then I am on their pump and their supplies. It has been very hard to write down my thoughts and write thing in my blog since work has really consumed my life lately... But with P coming down that is all going to change... She is bringing me a plethra of gifts... Saber and a new computer from my mothers house. I found that the software that I needed to run my pump was a little beefy and my older computer would not handle it. SO thanks mom.. You have been very helpful lately... I am gonna run to bed since I have to be up at three in the morning to check my sugar.. I will ge to posting lots soon...
P is coming down first of all..
But a little recap on this week....
I started my week of by getting a generous donation from the manufacture of the pump that I want to get. They are giving me the pump until my assholes of insurance decidedes to pay for it in September. So from now until then I am on their pump and their supplies. It has been very hard to write down my thoughts and write thing in my blog since work has really consumed my life lately... But with P coming down that is all going to change... She is bringing me a plethra of gifts... Saber and a new computer from my mothers house. I found that the software that I needed to run my pump was a little beefy and my older computer would not handle it. SO thanks mom.. You have been very helpful lately... I am gonna run to bed since I have to be up at three in the morning to check my sugar.. I will ge to posting lots soon...
Wednesday, August 3, 2005

The lovely sign of me and Kristyen leaving Charlotte. I went to Char this past weekend to see her new house that her parents where building. It was a gorgeous house. I gues you get amazing things when you are paying $600,000 for a new house. Four car garage.. I mean the works.. showers like you would not believe.. I also worked about 74.2 hours last week pulling a 32 hour shift thurs and fris combined. I will go at it a little more when I get home tonight. With my broken keyboard...

Right after we crossed the border it started raining a little harder. There was a small accident with only two cars but, it was followed that accidnet that shows people in SC cannot drive in inclimate weather and follow to close. These folllowing pictures are of a 25 car pileup that shutdown the interstate for hours causing havok. We pulled up on the scene about 10 mins after it happened. Our side of the road was shutdown as well

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