You know it takes a big person to sit down and talk face to face with someone that you have a history with. Not only from one side but from both. For some odd reason I have not laughed so much in a long time. It was like all I could do is laugh at all the stories that flowed freely from her mouth. I really did not want to leave, I was not even thinking about how tired my body really was. In the midst of so much chaos with my house and everything I had a brief moment of light by just hanging out with someone who I thought about often and always wondered about. Finally, we have come to the part in our friendship that we are able to come and sit face to face again and talk about our lives, the life we had together and the lives we lived when we parted.. I had the need to tell her I was truely sorry for something. But, I had no idea what I was sorry for. I kind of just felt like apologizing for everything that happened. The person I knew that was in her has really come out. Well it is still early spring and the bud is still pretty closed up but it is getting there. The wisdom that came out of her mouth from being where she is in her life really amazed me and made me happy. This week I finally feel like I am doing something right in my life. A homeowner soon, my dream.. friends abound... Just seems like all the cylinders in the engine are hitting right in tune. But alas... there will be a time soon when things will go downhill but I am going to ride this tidal wave for as long as I can, only because like the ocean there will be another wave of good fortune to come. It is the in between the waves that makes us really human and who we are. I am so grateful for the time today and I hope that we are able to spend more time around each other and share the funniest moments that life will throw our way. I am so happy for everything you have done BB, It is only going to get better throughout your life. I am very fortunate to have had you in my life and look forward to hopefully becoming great friends and being there for you. I hope you know that I will always be there and I am just a phone call away.. Neighbor. You finally made me feel like I did something good in my life and that I did help someone to do something with their life.