I am tired of people telling me how I should live my life and what I need to do... Chris you should do this you should do that.. You do not need this you do not need that..
Let me say something.. I have had help in my life and I would not be here if it was not for some people... But, I am tired of pleasing EVERYONE but my own FUCKING SELF. I am tired of haveing people walk over me and me letting them because I cannot stand up for myself. I am sorry about the things that have happened in your life and stuff but you know what, I have had just as much happen to me.
People wonder why I never call?
I never call becasue all that happens when I do call is I get blasted with you should do this.. you should do that... how bout I make some choices myself? How bout I wanna fuck up my own life, since that is what everyone thinks I am doing with it now..
Let me finally make my own choices.. You wanna give me advice or not hound me.. how bout a little support instead of do this, do that.. How bout...
"Wow, I never thought of that, maybe that will work for you, I hope it does.."
You know you think you have friends but when certain things happen it seems they all want to turn on you.
So you know what... I have done this much in my life by myself..
Fuck all of you who think you always know what is best for me.. I am tired of trying to conform to your ideas and your wants. I am doing something for myself now. Soemthing for me, if you do not like it either accept it and move on and seperate yourself from me forever.
I am done with this.