Well it has been about a month since I posted last. Last time I was sitting in the hospital thinking that I was loosing a family member. Well, after about 2 weeks in ICU and one week out of ICU and in a step down room they release my grandfather. He was a little lucid literally. He was telling so many stories that never happened and was in a state of delirium.
I spent a week up there never seeing him wake up. But, once he was released I went up to Nashville and saw him. I lead him around the house with my hand helping him get back on his feet and walk around. I was very glad to see him and not the man I saw lying there dead in the hospital.
On other fronts some people knew I worked two full time jobs for almost two years. Well Mohawk and Unisource are both gone. Mohawk laid me off, and those cheap bastards shorted me on my separation package. Go figure cheap as though bastards are. Basically I have been working my current position and sleeping. I did get my furniture from my mothers house and moved it into the room. Well, the room was painted then I cleaned the carpet so I am just waiting now for it to dry before I move that heavy 's ass furniture into its new home.
I have decided to cut back on all of my expenses did to my current situation of just working one full time job and not having the luxury to blow money like it is going out of style any more. I did manage to sock away some cash reserves during the time I was working those jobs. But at the same time I grew accustomed to the comfort level. I have been really lazy in seeking out a secondary income. I am trying to forgo it as much as possible. It will not last long, I am growing way to bored with myself.
Well I am going to go back to my normal everyday boring life.