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Friday, October 31, 2008

Let me just give you a quick rundown on the race...


Those cabbage patch dolls and the price they are going for explains it all. Our country LOVES idiots.. Palin is in th lead of course..

At the time of this posting Palin's cabbage patch doll was going for more than all THREE of the presidential and vice presidential candidates put together.

Now "From the streets to the white house suite", our loving leader here in ATL HOTEP talks about his giving all his doug to make Obama's bread..

Just watch his first video and you will be amazed.


And finally just click on the link in the next post and see who you would eventually choose. This circus has gone to far.. I am throwing my hat into the ring. FROM THE STREETS TO THE WHITE HOUSE SUITE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fwd: I need your support... Please forward to everyone you know!

New Presidential Candidate... It's someone we know!


There's an effort to elect an unknown random person as President... and it's someone we know! See this news website about the surprising new nominee:


Jot back a note to let me know what you think!


Check it OUT!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The thing about my job....

The thing about my job is that I see the good the bad and the ugly... Today was the straight ugly. One of the gentlemen that I work with was involved in a pretty serious accident. He was just doing his job. Trying to make a buck. I try my best to keep a distance to people that I work with as not to really get attached to them. but this is different. I got the call today shortly after 1553. The driver had called his son to let him know he was trapped in this vehicle and they where cutting him out of it. He had a punctured lung and could barely breathe. Then his son called us along with some of the witnesses that saw the accident. The firedepartment had to cut the door off the hinges and also cut the battery cable due to the steering cloumn being broke in half.
I arrived on the scene to see him gone in an ambulance to patch him up. The initial thing was that he did not look to well. I looked at the other car that hit ours and could not believe it. There was little to no damage. This Kia Sorento had plowed into our car literally been inside the car and barely had a dent in the hood. The lady driving the other vehicle was sitting on the curb trying to get as much attention as possible. Little did I know I was right on my initial thought of the situation. this car which was almost at a stop had been pushed more than fifty feet leaving some mighty skid marks. This little Kia must have been traveling at a rate of speed which was NO WHERE near consistent with the speed limit of 35 MPH. Miss drama queen was also now pregnant. This just complicates things ten times more.

Our cars have a little safety device in them. A video camera known as a DriveCam. This little camera protects people for liability in accidents. When we got the camera downloaded after we had the car towed back to the lot the truth came out.. In my opinion... The lady who hit our car did not seem to hurt when she jumped out of the car to check things out when she hit our driver. She did not limp or show any excessive little problems then. I knew when I saw her at the accident scene there was something up.

Come to find out the injuries.. Our driver suffered a broken pelvis, fractured colarbone, punctured lung, 12 broken ribs, laceration on the liver, spleen, kidney, and prostate. This gentleman was also older. Now I fear he will have problems for the rest of his life.

To top things off.. They cited him  for being at fault in the accident.. I swear if there is one thing wrong in Atlanta it is the police and how the figure out accidents scenes. You look at the evidence adn you or any three year old could see that clearly with the force of the car hitting ours and the length of the skid marks this stupid bitch was speeding. I guess she deserves an emmy for her being "hurt".

She played a good game but I sure as hell hope that this comes back to haunt her. She will get what she deserves.. All I can say through all of this though..

Speed does Kill. Slow down and do not be in such a hurry in life.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Broke Toe

I think this toe might be broken. This morning I was going over the kiddie gate and Jack tripped me. It was some horrible pain I tell you. I could barely walk on the foot all day long. I am not a clutz I swear.
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Monday, October 20, 2008

The house smoldering is the one on the corner with the LONG staicase. It sold about two months ago for $20,000 or around that.

Torching has gone up in my neighborhood. Since I have lived in the 30310 I have seen about 6-8 house blazes. Prior to living here it was only 1.

My zip did make the list on the worst areas for foreclosures.. The only place in Ga to make the top 100. Wonderful I tell you.. What a great investment I got here. 74 on the list...
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Dead Guy

Did I ever mention that this was a guy that had been laying in broad daylight hanging off the sidewalk for hours before anyone called the cops or even try to go up to him. Of course my neighbor SS called the Po right up and told them to come remove him. They came and I was late on the draw on the camera.
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Sick Lanta?

Something I find weird and totally outrageous... Last minute planning.... Not only planning but last minute call you in the middle of the night crap.......... Well in my industry everything is so last minute and everyone must have it right away. What the hell why can they pop up at the last miute and expect the world to cater to them..
Money... The one and only thing that

This past weekend here in the A was the ever so FAB B.E.T. Awards. Of course not a single person had any plans for the weekend. They all flew by the seats of their pants on the night before. Making my life a holy hell in the vain attempt at planing the transportation needed for the W.R.A.M.'s. ( World Revolves Around Me).

On the other hand I did get the plumbing done this past weekend. It only took a few months to get is done. Now, my dishwasher has been running non-stop.  All the dirty dishes that has piled up and all the unpacked dishes from the containers that have to be washed..

Well no complaints other than the stupid flu shot I got today that is already dragging me down. I hate the flu shot..... I also do no like this new doctor.. More on that later.. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Someone painted my bedroom.. I wonder who..
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Piedmont Park in the day... Fitz checking out the hot chicks..
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The Life and times of the ghetto...

You would not believe the times... I come home. I work hard in my yard. I mean hello I lived and grew up in the suburbs/country. working in the yard was instilled into me. My whole family constantly takes pride in their yard.. Save my mother... god loves her... I have a nice yard I am proud of it. I do live in a rather rough par of ATL and my house is one of the few with a nice yard in this area.. I am not bragging I just know this. The area is in a transition so there is a good mix of people. Vagrants, straight homeless, thieves, prostitutes, druggies, and drug dealers. Just the general crowd you know?

Well anyways I came home yesterday and started trimming the tree in my front yard and I started loking around and there was dirt on the gound. I looked into my flower bed and noticed one of my prized spiral trees STOLEN

Yes, I said that correctly. GONE.. Then starts the hunt..

This has happened before. Last Halloween I came home after running to Wal-Mart and my first prized tree was stolen. I was pissed off then. But, I keep telling myself apparently they need my plants more than I do.

Ohh well.. I have replacements on the side of the house in my other beds.

In today's world everyone hunts done your information if you put it out there to be found. I have had this blog going now for a few years and I am sure that many people I know and do not know have came across this page.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Apple Pie anyone?

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Fearless Dog

My fearless dog enjoying the wind in his beard.
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Boys in the Car

This is how we made the trip back to Nashville. ATL<->Nashvegas
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Me and the boys in Nashville.
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Monday, October 13, 2008

This is an erie picture that I took on myway back into ATL from the Southside.
I had just left an accident investigation scene for work.
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Then POOF... One EARLY Saturday morning I had everything back in but the plumbing.
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Kitchen Cabinets going back in.

Installing these where a pain in my ass. I thought taking them out was difficult.

Shims to make them level all around.
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Cleaned and ready to be sealed.

Kitchen view.

Laundry room almost put back together.
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Tile in and the grout down.

Grout in and ready for cleanup.

Cleanup begins. And I washed this floor for about 4 hours.
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Laundry Room in.

Kitchen to the laundry room.
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Laundry room

Laundry room into the kitchen view.

Putting down the radiant heating system.
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The first tile going down..

This is a ton harder than it appears.

Tile in and runnig low on supplies.

TILE IN! Wait...Kichen that is.
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