Here is a super close up.. So yesterday I would have never guessed but I talked to BB.. First time in a long time. It was nice. I am glad to hear that she is still alive. She is moving out of her current place and moving back to where she lived by me. I still miss having her around. I mean wht is new right? The dog is back in TN. Her best friend is sick. She told me he had a stroke. Not a good thing to have. But we caught up on a lot of things. I was so glad to hear from her. She caught me while I was napping in the house. I had a headache all yesterday. It never went away until I went to sleep that night for good. Not much else has been going on except work. I will be getting a pretty nice paycheck this coming week though. I am excited about that. In the pictures you can tell my eyes are stressed out from my old contacts. My docotor told me not to go get my eyes checked until my blood sugar got under control. I finally got the shit straight so I finally went and got new contacts and well as you can see a pair of glasses.. Thanks MOM... For someon who has not been in my life alot when I was younger and not having a good relationship with me she is starting to come around. I think she has figured out that I am/was a good kid. She just never thought about it really hard I guess. I wanna go home soon as well because my whole family has new houses and I would like to see them. Plus I am due for a night out on the town back on my stomping grounds. P said that she might be coming down soon to visit. I thought about going and scoping out Vision a club downtown this weekend to start planning her trip down here but I am not sure yet. I would like to find someone to go with me seeing that I do not think it would be fun going by myself.. but heck I am pretty used to doing things on my own. I think I am almost ready to attempt the dating/relationship scene again... I am not to good at it though so of course I am scared of getting my ass stomped on again :( .. No one like to get hurt but I have figured that by now it is a fact of life. I just hope that I have never hurt anyoe in return.. I also got good news today from the insulin pump rep. They are getting me a loaner since my insurance company is being a douchebag about things and left the possibility for the claim to be denied. They said though after September 20th they could not deny the claim because I will be out of the pre-existing phase of my insurance. So I will be getting a pump next week sometime. Then I go through some training with the rep and a nurs to get things straight with the flow of isulin into my body and what not. There is light at the end of my tunnell. I am a little excited about things but I know not to get my hope up to much. Never count your chickens before they hatch.. I have REALLY learned that lesson. Well I hope to that some type of friendship will come from me and her. We talked in a pretty civil manner last night.. (Sorry for the jumping back and fourth), so I am optimistic about that. I hope that happiness is abundant in her life and that she loves everything she has worked so hard for.. Anyways I got to go to UPS to pickup a package. lates

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