So unknowingly I had to work ALL DAY LONG....
My take on this.. When I found I out I quit.. But then I stepped back.. I just put a contract on a house. I want to put things inside this house to make it mine. I am going to have to buy mad amount of blinds to put in the house. I want a video security system.. I mean I want a lot.. I know things will not come right away but slowly and not to chargethe hell out of crap but I have wants and I will get them.
Fence, finish basement.. I am planning it all out. I guess I am counting my eggs before they are hatched but what the hell.. I have already found a roomate that is VERY interested in moving in due to it being sooooo close to GSU and Tech..
So that is what got me to thinking about my job and whyI should not quit until I get something else loned up. Some bartending job downtown is what I can come across. I know I would find something.. So I put everything asid.. Not to mention the manger at the time I absolutely cannot stand.... He mouthed off to me about stupid crap.. So anyways that is that..
Now a little note on serving..
I am not your outgoing server who stands around and talks your head off.. unless you want me to.. I am the type of server that knows what you want and anticipates what you will need. I will bring your drinks at the exact time that you need them.. Anticipate when you will want that little bitmore of dressing for your salad and or ribs... I never ask if you want it I just know you will and bring it to you. I make the dining experience seamless.. You never will remember my name I do my job and I do it well and I expect gratuity in return..
I never have a problem with the end part of that.. For instance today.. I made enough money to cover all the christmas presents I have bought this year so far... So I mean I am rewarded for my hard work more than ever..
But as I come home to my empty aparmtent I cannot wait until I find out what the future has to bring.
I can just imagine what is going to happen.. I am no where where I wantedto be in my life but maybe I am in a btter place than where I wanted to be... I mean maybe this is where I need to be instead of where I thought I should be....
AllI can do is just keep going on with my life and continue working hard and things will pay off. I think for sure this house is a sure start.
I hope that everyone is surrounding themselves with their family and enjoying this family time of year.
Someday I will have what I want and have my family.. I will be wrapping presents rightnow for my children to wake my ass up at the crack of dawn and eat the SUGAR FREE cookies that they left Santa...
I do not think I have ever put anything in my blog about my thought on dmamaged goods.. sometime I am going to have to visit this subject... But I think for now I have put enough of my thoughts down for a night..
Everyone have a wonderful and Merry Christmas... Remember your family dueingthis time of year and thank them every chance you get for being there foryou when no one else was..
I love all myfriends past, present and those to come. I knowI have probaly not said it enough but still.. I want the to all know through here and otherwise..
Merry Christmas to all... And to All a good night...
CO 12-24-2005
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