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Monday, February 27, 2006

I am sitting here in my new house.. Sitting just unpacking still realizing that my dream and hopes of becoming a home owner has come true. I know I have not posted in a while but I really actually miss posting and venting my feelings. For a few weeks there I barely had enough time to keep myself sane but lately things are calming back down.
I have a lot of little pet projects going on in and around the house that suck up a lot of money and time. But the biggest hurdles of getting into the house have been cleared.

Unpacking and packing sucks. For sure next time I move I will have movers. I said that last time but I wanted money for other things then having someone come in and move me.

Next time I move I will have a nice profit n the bank from the selling of this house. :) FOR SURE.
Just checking the real estate in the area my house has appreciated beyond belief. Right now with 45g in equity to draw from if need be. The only thing I can look forward to is the tax bill going higher and higher.

I have been blasting my music now since I started moving in.

Everything is coming together.

I am a hard worker and deserve what I have.

I would be no where if it where not for my neighbor SS.

She has helped me so much in finding this house and re-locating to this area.

Well I have to start posting the pictures now as I promised.

BB and I are communicating on a pretty regular basis now. I am so happy and glad to have her back in my life. I know this blog has basically been about her and the carp we went through.. But heck if we did not go through that crap neither one of us would have learned what we had in each other. Neither of us would have really realized what kind of people we both are. I cuold never thank you enough BB.
It will be hard to ever find another person like you.

She has helped me beyond belief and everyday there are things that I currently do in my life that I can attribute to her. So with that being said I have to start posting the pics. Well transfer them first to the computer.. That will take me a while. But nonetheless here goes.

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