I started packing the house up. Only the non-essential items. I have been slowly liquidating the rest of the house piece by piece. T.V. here, dryer here, furniture this and that.. Things that have just cluttered my house since I moved here but if I have to move again will not want to take with me or pay for the storage of the items. Working in the yard today I followed my same routine. Cut the grass and cleaned around the outside of the house in anticipation of the heavy rains expected in the evening hours.
Pruned the roses and prepared them for the rest of the summer with a little nutrients and a treatment of chemicals to halt the rust and black spot that is tearing through the plants. I have a small urban garden this year and it is already producing hefty yields of cucumber and tomatoes. When I say hefty I mean as soon as I pick one cucumber it seems I have five more that appeared the next day. The cucumber plant was not even taken out of the planters that I purchased from Wal-mart. They are still nicely tucked into the tray and the roots have grown through the bottom of the plastic little container that they are sold to you in.
In that picture you can see the vine in the early stages of creeping over the retaining wall. Now, I have a kudzu variety of cucumber plant that has taken over the whole bed. Almost killing a rose plant and my glads, which by the way are beautiful again this year..
I miss Mohawk and the relationships I had there. Mostly of all I miss the hours and the work. It was straight forward. I had my assignment and I knew how to complete it and I did, to the best of my ability. I hope somethingcomes through this week and works everything out just like it should...
I think most of all I miss M.J.
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