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Thursday, December 30, 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: cobergas@hotmail.com
Date: 12/29/04 05:48 PM
To: blog me baby

So here we go on a journey that I can only laugh at.
I begin the day at work and leave around the normal time..
I am on my way home and I have the bright idea that i could stop by the doctor if they had an opening...
Of course I picked the best time of the year to go to the doc cause there was not a single soul there.
I explain what has been going on and they decide to take my glucose blood sugar level.
Revisiting Thanksgiving where it had been elevated.
I thought I was reading it upside down when i fact i was reading it right side up..
Not like WOW killer but very high for someone of my age and health and no history of diabetes.
Doc says... you got staright to the hospital..
Call grandmother inform her and tell her to get in touch with everyone and let them know that i am being admitted.
I text a few people and let them know..
Call work to let them know O might not be in on time tonight... j/k..
Then go through the admitting process..
been here for three hours now and I am starving one..
Had my asshole looked at numerous times..
Had my share of fingers there..
Had my fingers pricked ohhhhh six times..
my bloodsugar has went from 201 to 70 in a matter of hours..
It is still dropping and at 67 right now..
Waiting on my diabetic nutritionists to come and and talk to me as of now..
I like sitting here with my door wide opne staring at all the other poeople.. The people that have it worse than me..
I just have early onset diabetes..
At 24...
What does that mean for me?
A life deprived of sugar..
Something that I do not really crave now, but still like to have every now and again..
I have to apperently at more often with regularity..
Who knows what is in my dietary or personal life..
What else can I be dealt with at once..
If this does not show my strength towards the bad shit out there then Fuck it all..
I have proven to myself that I can take the shit thrown my way and have bo problem ishing it back

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