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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Man.. I left work yesterday and my head had started hurting..
Did it ever hurt when I got home..
I put in a movie like usual and tried to go to sleep..
But my head hurt soo much..
I fianlly went to sleep..
Woke up around 6pm..
Head throbbing..
I stood up to get water..
I fell right back down..
I had a migraine and had not taken anything for it..
I did not move from the couch..
I wanted to throw my cat out the window becuase of the little noise he was making by eating...
I felt like SHIT..
I stayed on the couch until 1am where at that time I needed to jet because I had to be at work..
I wasked someone from work to brig me some medicine and they stopped by around 11:30.. I woke up long enough to take to advil and fall back asleep..
I didnot have any medicine around the new place.. Soo
I was shitouttaluck!
Like that?
I have been soo incredibly busy today at work it isnot even funny..
My boss poked his head in the door at 3AM.. I was like WHAT?
But anyways..
My head is still hurting...
It is a dull pain though not a sharp pain...

Texted her yesterday..
She said she made a mistake about moving back..
I asked her if she wanted to talk about anything..
"It's Nothing Nevermind",
So I guess that is it?
I dunno..
She for real does not know...

Soo.. My aching head.. I am taking this ass to the house..
I do not think I can watch a movie.. The light was hurting me yesterday and as I am sure it will hurt me today..
Not really big for anyone but me..
But lately I have been having problems..
Stress and what not but the doctor visit is soon in my future..
I think the stress part has contributed to the problems..

So onward we go in to the day..
Ho hum..
So glum..

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