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Monday, May 25, 2009

I think i found my new favorite place for food. Dekalb farmers market...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Grandfather...



Seeing as how he is NOT a dog person he surely does love the puppies.. Our family has dogs in twos... Not ones or threes but pairs.. I caught this picture on the day before Mothers Day none the less..
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Driving home.... Never a dull moment inmy life.. I leave Nashville around 3 pm Sunday evening and while I am on the way I start feeling a little vibration and it starts to get worse and worse. It is only truly bad when my foot is not on the gas pedal pushing it down. When I decelerate the car is not acting right and wobbly. So I pull over in no mans land to discover three of five lugs loose and one of five snapped off completely. This is the repair I managed to do in Wal-Mart's parking lot. Pretty good job considering the time of evening and I had no tools.. AND to mention I am not a mechanic and have never EVER done this before. But boldly go where no one Christopher has gone before..
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