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Friday, August 28, 2009

She Wolf Shakira SPOOF! What the !@#! is a SHE WOLF??! Parody!

Great Spoof....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Red Bull and Ladies hygiene ?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ricko the Rhino...


This is a challenge to some of the carpet Mohawk produces. Check out the live video stream..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fence sitters

You know nothing gets under my skin more than fence sitters. Now you may not know what i mean by fence sitters but they are the people i define as ones that play both sides of a conflict. I sit everynight this week at work as people sit across from me and "secretly" talk back and forth against me or about me. Which i find totally funny and stupid. If they want to put me on an island i am cool with that because this job i know for sure i can complete without their input or help. I only did this job for years before they came into the picture. So let the games begin because the only people i have to talk to are not in this office but out in the field. I own a couple sets of headphones. I love a challenge.

Report: Cheney Felt Bush '"Had Gone Soft!"' I love it... BUSH WENT SOFT

Report: Cheney Felt Bush 'Had Gone Soft on Him' - Political News - FOXNews.com

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Monday, August 10, 2009


You know this is a picture that has been buried under all the other just many many photos I go around sapping shots of. This is clematis. Is you know plants you know clematis. This is after the bloom has fallen off and then this wonderful thing happens.

Clematis actually has it all figured out. Life is not as simple as people with or even think it will be. It only gets more and more difficult as you push along. Clematis know this. This represents the workings off life and how complicated such a simple thing can become. Before you know it there are twists and turns and weves in between oneself.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny (JK Wedding Entrance) jill and kevin unexpected divorce hearing entrance spoof

This is already a response to the very funny wedding dance.