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Friday, June 17, 2005

Beautiful Blue Skies

Today's skies are absolutely fantastic....
I pulled all of my blinds in my office open just to be able to sit and stare out the windows...
They are advertising a place to eat on the radio that I really like..
It is called cowtippers but it is a queer hangout..
The first time I went there me BB where jsut driving around one of our first nights in ATL looking for a place to eat.. We came across this place because they where one of the only places that was still open. We sat on the patio and had the best service I have ever had here in ATL. I tipped the dude like fifeteen dollars on a fifty tab. It was a good experience though.
So today is Friday.. The weekend is coming upon us and what do I have planned? HAHAHA nothing... No big plans and nothing really going on. I will most likely work some this weekend at my weekend job come home and have a few drinks. But for the most part I plan on just vegetating this weekend. After last weekend packed with driving, seeing sights, not really sleeping and what not I plan to just really do nothing.
I go through these stages of where I pack soo much shit into small amount of days then I do nothing for a month. Then I cram like four days into one. I guess you can compare it to binge eating. I binge of activities then I become lethargic. I plan on going to the park this weekend as a part of my vegetation process though. Might play a little frisbee..
Last night I cam home and cooked some rice and shrimp and veggies and cream of corn.. yummy...
I have been making this shrimp lately that is saute'd in some special sauce that I made up and it is wonderful.. I got my food and sat on the couch while the roomate was getting all dolled up for osme new dude in her life. After she left I curled up n the couch with my food and watched Lost in Space on the ABC Family Channel. I had wanted to see that movie for a while but never stepped to the plate and went out and got it. It was ok.
I made my own movie night with myself last night.
I fell asleep around ohhhhhh... 9PM. how lame is that?
I supposeI should not complain.... I like my life.. sort of..
I just wish I could find someone that wants to come home to each other.. That has no problem with being doted on... That likes attention and has something for an idea about a future. Not that I am Mr. Planner or anything but there are some goals in my life that I would like to reach before I turn fifty. I just do not want to be a Senior Citizen putting a kid through college and what not..
If I am even able to have children. Well I would find a way, even if I had to go jack off in some cup or something.
Maybe I should be come a sperm donor and start using that money for a savings account, or even sell my blood plasma... There are a while lots of oppurtunities out there to make some extra cash.. Shit if I was a sperm donor I could get to watch porn for free.... hahahahahahahah Like I am a big porn freak.. got ya..

When I was in Portland I had a light bulb moment. I realized how superficial things are here in ATL. People here are the most image concerned people I have ever met. Everyone has to have the nicest car or the best house here. That is why the Real Estate market here is so outrageous. This is THE place to be seen. Just listening to the radio here just amde me think about it. People here try hard to live the life... They try not to let people really see who they are. The reason I noticed this is when I was in Portland people's attitude about everything was way different. Sure there where people there that are superficial, but for the most part they are grounded there.
They care more about the enviroment that surrounds them. When I was driving down the streets I hardly EVER saw a piece of garbage anywhere. INCLUDING cigarette butts. Hell you drive anywhere down here and there are cigarette butts littering the streets everywhere.
Traffic was not bad at all, because they have such a great system for mass transit there. They people there do not care so much about how they appear to people. This was evident when I first met Samantha back in high school.
When I met her she was different and so was her family. She packed her lunch and she always had the neatest and most different things in her lunch. Things that I had never even heard about. Orgainc foods and vegetables. Then I went over to her house and met the family and They lived differently then anyone else I had knew. When I first met them I thought they where a little weird. But it is something that really did attract me more to her. She was a different type of person as well. So after going up to Portland a few times I noticed why they where different. It is becuase the people there are different all of them not just a few. They have a stronger bond with nature than most places I have been. It is evidnet everywhere you go there. From the sidewalks with water fountains that run water 24/7 to the recycling bin on every corner. They have more health food stores and organic food stores in the Portland city area alone than the whoel state of Georgia.
Not like I am a big health food nut or a big baturalists or anything but I think it all ties together. The place to be seen and the place to eat here and there in ATL are more prevelant than Nashville or Portland. People there do not fall so much into the popularity contest as they do here. Everytime I turn around here there is an advertisement for some type of cosmetic enhancement on billboards and radio. Literally bombbarded with the advertisements and I did not notice it until it was taken away.
Be happy with oneself. I mean everyone is beautiful. What makes you think that one thing is more beautiful and who are you going to let tell you that something is more attractive than something else. Why try to conform with a society that puts so much pressure on being perfect looking... WHAT IS PERFECT? Who defines that in our society? Some dude sitting behind a desk stating that with this configuration of the body is the most appealing? Maybe to him... but not to everyone. Yeah Yeah everyone has their own tastes likes and dislikes..
But I just noticed and thought that the city of ATL is like a big High School. Everyone is pushing ans shoving trying to be "THE" known person. The funny fact of the matter is that I never played that game in high school. I always hung out with everyone. I had the most diverse group of aquaintants in the world. I only held three people really close in the friendship status.
Matt, Paula, Sam...
That is how I have always been and those three people are the ones that have been there for me through think and thin. I have been there for them just the same through thick and thin.
Well I will get more into this in a couple of days when my thoughts come to c aloser head then they are now. It is time for me to finish things up here around work and head out of here by 5pm.
So how vain or superficial are the people where you are at?

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